Hosted The DradCast
My Monologue I’m a co-founder of Pixel Jar and the lead developer of our commercial plugin AdSanity. I am the current co-leader of the OC WordPress Developer meetup, and former co-organizer for Dre’s favorite WordCamp, WordCamp Orange County. I’m an active member of the WordPress Community team, and have recently been deputized to help bring more…
The Road to Success Is Long and Winding, and I’m Just Getting Started.
These days it’s so easy to fail. Everywhere I turn there are distractions that I’ve inadvertently created for myself that, without keeping in check, will lead to my demise. Even though some very basic scientific principles contradict me, I feel like there are fewer and fewer hours in the day to get things done. It’s…
On Becoming A Better Blogger…
I’ve been watching this guy evolve over the course of a year in his campaign to blog every day. The growth that he showed in his traffic statistics was eye-opening. Just recently I spent a weekend at a conference called Pressnomics. Pressnomics is a conference that is unlike a WordCamp in that it doesn’t focus…
Optimizing jQuery
Albeit a little old, these slides contain some great jQuery optimization nuggets with jsPerf data to back them up. Check it out! http://addyosmani.com/jqprovenperformance/
WordPress Endpoint API
[blackbirdpie id=’222550958100582400′] There was a bit of anticipation around my talk on the WordPress Endpoint API at last week’s OCWP Dev Meetup. Ben, one of our buddies from Seattle could scarcely contain his excitement. To be totally honest, the Endpoint API was one that I hadn’t fully grasped the power of until the post by…
Up Hosting Creek Without A Paddle
At about midnight tonight, I got a pingdom alert that WeddingChicks.com was down again. This is at least the third time this week that our dedicated server has gone down. I’m more than just a little frustrated about it, so I’ve decided to write this post. In the past few months, we’ve had an increasing…